Monday, March 31, 2008

My Beautiful Prego Wife

Marci has a friend who is building her portfolio as a professional photographer and was generous enough to come down to Provo and do a free photo shoot of Marci while she's pregnant. The pictures turned out amazing and we love what we have seen so far. To see the rest of the shoot copy and paste this link and it will take you to the photographer's blog post with Marci's pics.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

What The...

Spring has been nice. A few cold days, but I've been wearing shorts a lot of the time and have even gotten sun burned from being outside on one occasion. Well, you can imagine my surprise when I walked outside to go to church this morning and saw this...

I kept thinking "c'mon Mike, wake up from this nightmare so you're not late for church!" Nope. Didn't happen. It's still snowing 8 hours later and I was late to church.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Wonderful Day.....

Ok, so I am trying to figure out this blogging stuff and found this picture and decided to try and post it as I have been wanting to post some pics and stuff about our family visiting us last Thanksgiving and Christmas. So please forgive this being out of chronological order. It takes us awhile to catch on to this technology stuff. This picture was taken Friday, December 28. We went into Berkeley to Anthropologies and to the Crate and Barrell Outlet, just to look around. We then went into San Francisco and had a late lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. It was very cold, but very Christmasy at Union Square. This was taken there as we headed back to our car. We then drove down Lombard Street, which Mike has been wanting to do. Afterwards we went and spent some time shopping in Chinatown, which was really a blast. In spite of cold and somewhat rainy weather, we had a terrific time with M&M and appreciated them being here with us old folks. We can't wait to have them and their new baby with us this summer!! Thanks M&M, we love you!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Baby Names

I'm pretty sure that you all know we are having a little girl. If you didn't... where have you been? So, we often talk about names that we like and we come up with the same few names, so in attempt to broaden our exposure to beautiful baby girl names I thought it appropriate to open the brainstorming session to everyone.

In other words, what are all your favorite girl names that you would like to recommend to us? If you don't mind sharing, please let us know with your blog comments.

Hopefully we pick a winner so we don't name her Miguelita... or Buelita... (no offense Mom and Dad)